Wednesday, January 16, 2013

so this is the new year!

i'm very late on a new years post. the first week, i was in kentucky, just hanging out. unemployment gave me a much needed break in my hometown. i was able to go back to my old gym (, be with family, and some much needed time with friends that i've missed.

this is the time of year when people go on a fitness frenzy. i've noticed a pick up in gym attendance, there were a few more people in whole foods when i was there on saturday. i decided this year that i wasn't going to make resolutions, because quite honestly i never keep them. i did make some goals this year. getting out of debt (those stupid student loans), getting involved in a church, being more social, traveling more, reading more, are just a few.

yall have had the privilege of following me through the diets i've tried over the past year. nothing really lasting, and that's the story of my life. it's taken me so long to get to goal weight for two major reasons. one, because i jump the fad diet train. like mullets and tight rolling your jeans, they don't last. i've been eating for what my body needs. nothing processed, lots of fresh good foods. my body feels better. my workouts are better. i haven't been stressing over calories, just eating when i'm hungry and eating what's good.

the other is because i don't feel like i'm worth it. (warning this is not a petty me please entry, carry on) i don't know who told me i wasn't worth it, but i believed them. it's carried me to 30 and fat. i did this to myself. i need to realize that i am worth it. i'm worth being happy in my body. it's a journey.

i hope your new year is fantastic. i believe it will be the best yet.